About CP | Offering Plan on Demand - OPOD

Offering Plan on Demand - OPOD

The Counsel Press Offering Plan on Demand helps make your busy real estate practice more efficient and cost effective, saving you money. At no charge to you, we take all of your old, paper, offering plans, and scan them to create digital files. Then we clean up the documents for the best appearance and typeset a new cover. This file is then stored on our CP Client Portal and available 24 hours a day as a proof copy. When you want a copy, contact us and you can have it as soon as the very same day!

This is a cost effective and secure solution that instantly gives you back the storage space you devoted to the old hard copies. We back up our servers in two different cities, on three different servers, so it's completely safe and secure. Get started today at absolutely no cost.

Please contact us for further information on CP Real Estate services:

George Ortiz
or, via email

Offering Plan on Demand - OPOD

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