FRAP rule changes go into effect on December 1, 2018 (see: FRAP Changes) and the DC Court of Appeals issued an Order and Notice on November 8th reconciling the local rules with those FRAP changes. The Court will NOT adopt the changes to 8, 11, 25, 26, 28.1, 31 and 39. The Court does propose adopting (with some local variation) the changes to R. 29 (regarding amicus briefs, most notably giving the Court the right to refuse amicus briefs that would disqualify a judge) and R. 41 (regarding mandates). The Order is available here.
Order No. M258-18 was issued on November 1st and adopts changes to R. 49(c)(9) (Unauthorized Practice Pro Bono Legal Services Exception), effective January 1, 2019. The order is available here.
On November 2, 2018, the Court issued an Order staying the date on which the December 1, 2018 amendment to the Federal Rules of Criminal and Civil Procedure would otherwise go into effect at the DC Superior Court. Those changes will be stayed until March 1, 2020. The Order is available here.
If you have questions about how to proceed with filing your appeal in any of these courts, please contact staff counsel at Counsel Press.