I’ve had several questions in response to my last blog post discussing “winging it” on oral argument and our Interactive Oral Argument Preparation package, so I thought that I would write about how and why we created it.
The reason we created the package was to give attorneys a cost-effective platform to ensure excellent preparation for oral argument. Many attorneys, particularly sole proprietors and small firms, simply don’t have the resources or the time to prepare for oral argument on a large scale. Our Interactive Oral Argument Preparation package allows them to do so economically, while, at the same time, providing portability (everything is electronically located in one place and linked for convenience) and ease of collaboration (the format makes it easy to share with colleagues or clients).
In order to ensure that we developed something useful, we approached two seasoned attorneys with very active appellate practices and offered to assist them with their oral argument on a case in exchange for feedback on the service. We started by taking their suggestions on what would be useful to have at their fingertips when preparing for oral argument. We confirmed with them that electronic access to those materials would be convenient. We then developed a user-friendly interface which integrated the items and linked the relevant portions together for convenience. We proceeded to analyze the briefs in the case, prepared an outline that identified and analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of each side of the appeal and linked the outline to the relevant portions of the record, briefs and the key cases.
We then delivered everything to our seasoned appellate attorneys and asked them to give us some no-holds-barred feedback on the result. We took their feedback and used it to polish and refine the product before launching it. We are happy with the result and we think you will be, too, if you chose us to help you prepare for oral argument.
Today’s cost-conscious clients demand efficiency from their counsel, but still expect them to adequately prepare for oral argument. The Counsel Press Legal Research Group developed the Interactive Oral Argument Preparation package through consultation with attorneys to help lawyers maximize their limited preparation time and resources and better assist their appellate clients. Whatever tools you choose to use to get ready for oral argument, make sure that you adequately prepare for this important part of the appellate process.
Tagged: CP Legal Research Group, Oral Argument, Appellate Practice