Perfecting an appeal in the New York Appellate Division, First Department for the July 13th deadline? Up your game – get your appellate documents ready early!
Newcomers to appellate practice in the New York State Appellate Division, First Department should be aware of this Court’s term calendar and how the term calendar system impacts their appeals. In any given calendar year, the Read More
When the Only Law Available on the Issue is an Unpublished Decision, What Are My Options?
Imagine counsel representing litigants before a court. An attorney for one party takes a position on the issue. The court responds that, in a previously filed pleading, counsel had taken the opposite position on behalf of his Read More
Illinois Civil Appellate Procedure: Preparing and Filing Record on Appeal
In the Illinois Appellate Court, one of the first tasks the attorney for the appellant must attend to is making sure the record on appeal is prepared. The appellant is responsible for ordering the record on appeal and paying Read More
New York Appellate Division, Second Department: Case Settled Between Briefing and Argument? Alert the Court!
Section 670.2(g) of the Appellate Division, Second Department rules requires that “parties or their counsel shall immediately notify the court” if a case is wholly or partially settled during the pendency of an appeal, under Read More
Electronic Filing in the New Jersey Appellate Division and Supreme Court: Live in 2015!
New Jersey appellate courts are moving closer to electronic filing of all documents. The anticipated rollout for criminal and civil appeals for attorneys who already have a Judiciary collateral account is Late Spring 2015 and Read More
What is the Value of Oral Argument in the California Supreme Court?
There has been some recent debate over the value of oral argument in the California Supreme Court. Specifically, Professor Daniel J. Bussel, from UCLA’s School of Law, published a law review article titled, Read More