Illinois Civil Appellate Procedure: Preparing and Filing Record on Appeal
In the Illinois Appellate Court, one of the first tasks the attorney for the appellant must attend to is making sure the record on appeal is prepared. The appellant is responsible for ordering the record on appeal and paying Read More
Guest Article: New and Proposed Changes to the Illinois Appellate Landscape
The below synopsis of recent changes to Illinois appellate rules and procedures was provided by Matthew Davison, Esq. Law Office of Matthew R. Davison, LLC is a Read More
Illinois Appellate Court Procedure: Preparing a Supporting Record
There are instances in which a party is required to compile a supporting record instead of relying on the circuit court to compile the record. Most of these instances occur when you are petitioning for leave to appeal to the Read More
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit: A Closer Look at Circuit Rule 28(a) – Jurisdictional Statements
Seventh Circuit Rule 28(a) governs the content of the jurisdictional statement in the appellant’s opening brief. The Court is looking for very specific information. This rule should be read very carefully. When a brief is ini Read More
Appealing from the Illinois Appellate Court to the Illinois Supreme Court: Which of the Three Available Methods is Appropriate for Your Case?
There are several ways to initiate an appeal from the Illinois Appellate Court to the Illinois Supreme Court. You can petition the Illinois Supreme Court for leave to appeal under Illinois Supreme Court Rule 315; you can appe Read More
Court finds appeal's “actual printing” cost reasonable. But, what is actually involved in the appellate production besides printing and binding?
Earlier this year, a California court issued an opinion finding the costs charged by Counsel Press for printing an appeal reasonable (Read More